Our God Reigns: Do You Know This Jesus?

Our God Reigns

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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Do You Know This Jesus?

“For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11

Every year when Christmas rolls around, we are exposed to countless retellings of the birth of Jesus. The story is told in hundreds of ways—animation and video, acted out and sung in harmony. Is there a chance that the abundance of information can make us immune to the story itself? Is it possible that we become so familiar with the story of Jesus that we lose sight of the One we are celebrating?

This year, I want to use this time to focus on Jesus. I want to be intentional about seeing the Christmas story for what it is—the gospel unfolded. The angel announced to the shepherds that the Messiah had come. He identified Jesus in three ways—as Savior, Christ, and Lord. Savior means Messiah, which is Hebrew for “Anointed One”. Christ is the Greek term for “Anointed One.” And Lord means Yahweh, or God. What do these names tell us about Jesus? They tell us that He was both God and man. He was prophecy fulfilled, to the letter, and that He came, just as God promised.

So what does that mean to us so many years after this announcement was made from the skies? How should we respond? For me it means that Christmas is the time to learn more about who Jesus is. It is our time to get in touch with what those names mean to us personally. It is an opportunity to read the account of His birth, His life, His death and resurrection with new eyes. We need to see Him anew this Christmas.

Jesus was a contradiction in terms. He was complex and went against the conventions of His times. He challenged the religious types. He was so much more than a simple Bible story. He is worth getting to know on a deep intimate level because the things He will reveal to you are so much more than you expect. I love the following poem and what it shows about Jesus. I want to dig deeply into what this poem says. I also want to dig deeply into the character of my Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

“The Paradox” - By Virginia Knowles
Come, see where He lays
Good Shepherd and Little Lamb
King of Kings and Servant of All
Prophet and Prophecy Fulfilled
Physician and Wounded One
High Priest and Atoning Sacrifice
Counselor and Rejected One
Builder and Foundation Stone
Righteous Judge and Condemned Prisoner
Ancient of Days and newly born babe
God and Man
Do you know this Jesus?

My Prayer for Today:
Dear Lord, I love You and I want to know You more. This Christmas, and into the new year, help me to explore the deep meaning of who You are. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you wish to explore this poem further in personal application:
Write down the names of Jesus that are mentioned in the poem and use these names as a springboard for a personal Bible study. Do word studies on these names and find out what the Scriptures have to say about each one.

- by Marybeth Whalen